Lifetime Project Assistant - Read Me ------------------------------------ IMPORTANT - WHEN INSTALLING THE 32-BIT VERSION AFTER THE 16-BIT VERSION CHOOSE CUSTOM INSTALL AND EXCLUDE THE DATABASE FROM THE INSTALLATION. Contents -------- ABOUT LIFETIME o ProbLog o Other features INSTALLATION o Delphi 1 o Delphi 2, Delphi 3, and C++ Builder RUNNING LIFETIME NOTES o Setting up Interbase ABOUT LIFETIME ============== Lifetime Project Assistant was conceived as a collection of tools to fill in some of the gaps in the Delphi RAD envrionment. It currently contains one main module. All Lifetime's features are available under Delphi 1, Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and C++ Builder. o ProbLog --------- This module allows developers to easily record and monitor the progress of bugs and enhancement requests within a project. A particular feature is the ability to flexibly group of entries to facilitate work on them. o Other features ---------------- - Explode/Implode all forms or units in a project. Useful if a databased application is being delivered to another site/platform. - Count all lines in the units added to the project (excludes Delphi source code unless a unit has been explicitly added to the project). INSTALLATION ============ o Delphi 1 ---------- Unzip lt16_??.zip to a temporary directory and run lt_setup.exe. Lifetime will then be available as a menu option under Help. o Delphi 2, Delphi 3, and C++ Builder ---------- Unzip lt32_??.zip to a temporary directory. Run Setup to install. Lifetime will then be available as a menu option under Help. IMPORTANT - WHEN INSTALLING THE 32-BIT VERSION AFTER THE 16-BIT VERSION CHOOSE CUSTOM INSTALL AND EXCLUDE THE DATABASE FROM THE INSTALLATION. RUNNING LIFETIME ---------------- For all platforms supported, Lifetime is available under Help | Lifetime on the menu bar. This version can only be run from within the IDE. NOTES ===== o Setting up Interbase ---------------------- Lifetime uses Interbase. Please check the on-line help for further notes on setting up Interbase. In addition, make sure that you have a valid username and password. The default user name is "SYSDBA" and the default password is "masterkey". (Don't type the quotes.)